5 Mistakes When Messaging on Dating Apps


  • Mistake #1: Sending a Generic and Boring First Message

  • Mistake #2: Messaging Back Too Quickly

  • Mistake #3: Asking Boring Questions or Letting the Conversation Get Boring

  • Mistake #4: Sending Lengthy Messages

  • Mistake #5: Lingering Too Long on the App

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In the world of online dating, messaging on apps has become the norm. It's the gateway to making connections and potentially finding love or companionship. However, navigating this art form comes with its own set of challenges, and making mistakes along the way is inevitable. Here are five common blunders people often make when messaging on dating apps:

Mistake #1: Sending a Generic and Boring First Message

Picture this: you match with someone you're excited about, and you send them a message…. “Hey!”. It's a missed opportunity. Most likely, they have many other people sending them a message that says the same thing. You need to send them something that grabs their attention, and shows that you are interesting, witty, and charming. The initial message sets the tone for the conversation, and starting with something interesting is crucial. Why? Because in a sea of matches, grabbing someone's attention is like striking gold. People have limited time and numerous options, so standing out is key. A captivating opening line can spark curiosity and make you memorable amidst the competition.

Mistake #2: Messaging Back Too Quickly

While it's tempting to reply instantly to every message, doing so can send the wrong signal. Rapid responses may convey a lack of personal boundaries or suggest desperation. It is crucial to maintain a balance and not flood the conversation with messages. It makes you more intriguing and everyone wants a little bit of what they can’t have. If you message back right away every single time, you are tipping your hand. Limit yourself to at most three messages throughout the day per person on dating apps. When we move to communicating over text messages, this can increase. But for now, less can sometimes be more.

Mistake #3: Asking Boring Questions or Letting the Conversation Get Boring

Keeping the conversation engaging is essential. Avoid falling into the trap of dull, repetitive questions or allowing the dialogue to fizzle out. Please don’t ask “How was your weekend?”. This isn’t Monday at the office. Instead, strive to keep things lively and dynamic. Ask open-ended questions that lead to meaningful discussions rather than mundane small talk. The goal is to foster a connection and showcase your personality.

Mistake #4: Sending Lengthy Messages

While it's tempting to pour your heart out in lengthy messages, it's not the most effective strategy on dating apps. Remember, the primary purpose of messaging is to gauge compatibility and decide whether to pursue further interaction off of the apps. Save the in-depth conversations for face-to-face encounters. Keep your messages concise and to the point. Long paragraphs can overwhelm the recipient and hinder communication.

Mistake #5: Lingering Too Long on the App

Dating apps serve as a platform to facilitate real-life connections, not to become a permanent fixture in your digital life. After a reasonable exchange of messages (typically around 10 messages sent by each person), it's time to take the conversation offline. Propose meeting in person for a casual activity like grabbing a drink. The timing of this part is the most important! Too soon and you seem a bit creepy but too long and you made a digital pen pal. A simple, direct message can pave the way for transitioning from digital interaction to real-world connection. A generic go to message can be… “Let me know if you are interested in grabbing drinks sometime soon.” Simple, yet effective.

Messaging on dating apps requires finesse and tact. By avoiding these common pitfalls, you can increase your chances of making meaningful connections and finding success in the world of online dating. Using TippyAIs Opening Message Generator or Messaging Simulator can help you up your messaging game and go on the quality of dates you only dream about.


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