Making the First Move:

How to Craft the Perfect Opening Message on Dating Apps


  1. Personalize Your Message: Don’t just say “Hi”! Reference specific details from the person's profile to show genuine interest and stand out from generic greetings.

  2. Be Engaging and Concise: Use humor and thoughtful questions to engage them, keeping your message brief and easy to respond to.

  3. Focus on Genuine Compliments: Avoid superficial compliments, instead highlighting shared interests or unique aspects of their profile to foster a meaningful connection.

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Crafting the perfect opening message on dating apps can feel like a daunting task. The challenge lies in striking the right balance between being engaging, witty, and genuine, all while making your message stand out from the crowd. In this blog, we'll explore the key ingredients that make up a great opening message on dating apps, drawing on insights from the dating landscape and expert advice to help you make that impactful first impression.

1. Personalization is Key

The era of "Hey" or "What's up?" as opening lines is long gone. In the fast-paced world of digital dating, personalization is the golden ticket to capturing someone's attention. A great opening message should reference something specific from the person's profile. Whether it's a comment about their favorite band mentioned in their bio or a question about an exotic location they've pictured in, showing that you've taken the time to read their profile demonstrates genuine interest and sets a positive tone for the conversation.

2. Humor Goes a Long Way

A well-timed joke or a playful pun can be an excellent icebreaker. Humor not only lightens the mood but also shows off your personality, making you more memorable. However, the key is to keep it light and avoid anything that could be potentially offensive. A witty observation about something in their profile or a clever pun related to their interests can make your message stand out.

3. Open with a Question

Asking a question related to something in their profile not only shows that you've paid attention but also gives them an easy way to reply. People enjoy talking about their interests and experiences, so kicking off with a question about their hobbies, travel photos, or even their pet can encourage a flow of conversation. For instance, if their profile mentions a love for hiking, you might ask about their favorite trail or their most memorable outdoor adventure. Use phrasing that will spark interest in you message. For example, start with “Very important question…<insert your question>?” Starting your question with this will make it stand out and peek their interest, especially if they open their app to 10+ messages a day.

4. Be Genuine and Sincere

While it might be tempting to use grandiose compliments or over-the-top pick-up lines to grab attention, sincerity often resonates more deeply. Expressing genuine interest in getting to know the person behind the profile can make your message feel more personal and engaging. For example, you could share why a particular aspect of their profile caught your eye or why you think you might get along based on shared interests.

5. Keep it Concise

While it's important to be engaging, it's equally crucial to keep your message concise. Long-winded messages can be overwhelming for the recipient, especially as an opening line. Aim for a few sentences that are easy to read and respond to. This approach respects their time and increases the likelihood of getting a reply.

6. Avoid Generic Compliments

While compliments can be nice, starting with a generic comment about someone's looks can feel impersonal and superficial. Instead, focus on complimenting something specific that you admire about their profile, such as their taste in books, sense of adventure, or creativity. This shows that you're interested in more than just their appearance.

7. Timing Matters

Finally, consider the timing of your message. Sending a message when you're more likely to get a timely response, such as in the evening or on a weekend, can increase your chances of starting a conversation. Moreover, it's essential to be patient and not bombard someone with messages if they don't respond immediately.

A great opening message on dating apps is one that is personalized, engaging, and genuine. By taking the time to craft a message that reflects your interest in getting to know the person behind the profile, you set the stage for meaningful conversations and potential connections.

Use Tippy AI’s Opener Generator to create the perfect personalized opener or Messaging Assistant to make your messaging on Dating Apps for efficient and effective.


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